We will lead a prayer life that nourishes this interior spiritual process, which is expressed in all what we do.
How we live is not bound to one particular place or one specific outward expression; rather, it is inspired by the interior spiritual process that permeates all that we live. Our diverse life-styles stretches through 31 countries around the globe. However, in each unique place that we live, we will lead a prayer life that nourishes this interior spiritual process, which is expressed in all what we do.
The very name Verbum Dei (“Word of God” in Latin) captures the essence of the spirituality of the community. Word of God does not refer to a Bible set on a shelf, but rather the understanding that the Sacred Scriptures and the reality in which they are read, prayed with and mediated reveal the heart and desire of God, who longs to come close to all people in a loving and tender friendship today.
This dynamic friendship sustains our lives in the midst of our engagement with the world. Prayer and ministry are not simply filling hours of the day, but are all pieces of one sole expression of this friendship with God.
Our prayer, life and ministry are inspired by this friendship with God. We express this friendship through time spent in silence and contemplative prayer. We deepen it through critical dialogue with the biblical text. This dynamic friendship sustains our lives in the midst of our engagement with the world. Prayer and ministry are not simply filling hours of the day, but are all pieces of one sole expression of this friendship with God. God’s own self-expression continues through God’s friends in this world. This happens in the darkness of night or at the dawn of day as we pray and keep vigil for victims of raging wars or other situations of destructive injustice. God’s self-expression continues in every moment of ministry, empowering each individual to flourish in her or his ability to create change in the world. It takes flesh in the daily life of an international community that lives between languages, ethnicities and nations with a simple, grateful and open welcome to everyone.
Verbum Dei touches the individual and social dimensions of society by empowering any person to an active spiritual dynamic through critically reading and praying the biblical text in a dialogue of friendship with God. In this friendship, human beings unfold their capacity to the fullest while taking agency for the other and the earth. In diverse ways each person finds their own expression and balance in this dynamic of incarnation, which generally leads to a life of creativity and action.